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astronomical observatory 天文臺。

astronomical time

On the base of the analysis on astronomical optical fibers with characteristics , development and application , the paper studies the fiber applied on the program the largest sky area multi - object fiber spectroscopic telescope ( lamost ) which is hold in national astronomical observatory 本文在充分討論了天文用光纖的各種特性、發展狀況及應用基礎上,針對國家天文臺lamost ( thelargeskyareamulti - objectfiberspectroscopictelescope )項目的具體應用,對此工程中用到的光纖進行了研究。

The bastille - day flare of 14 july 2000 , a great solar flare with x - ray / ha importance of x5 . 7 / b3 , was observed around 10 : 24 ut in the noaa 9077 ar at position n22w07 . in this flare , very rich interesting radio bursts and fine radio spectral structures were detected , not only in metric wave band , but also in decimetric and microwave band ( 1 . 0 - 7 . 6 ghz by national astronomical observatories of chinese academy of sciences - naoc ) 2000年7月14日的太陽耀斑爆發? bastille事件,備受國際太陽物理學家關注,著名的sci刊物“ solarphysics ”特出版專輯研討該事件,從光球、色球、日冕、直至日地空間的廣闊空間尺度范圍內,對該事件的觀測資料進行了分析和理論研究。

The best - mown cultura1 relics include taishi tower , shaoshi tower and qiii111tower of the eastern han dynasty 二 the oldest temple towers currently preserved in china , songyue temple pagoda of the northern wei dynasty , the oldest buddhist pagoda currently preserved in china , astronomical observatory of the yuan dynasty ; the oldest astronomical observatory currently preserved in china , shaolin temple , the first famous temple under the sun , shaolin pagoda forest , the biggest ancient pagoda forest currently preserved in china , zhongyue temple , the largest group of ancient architectures among the five sacred mountain temples ; songyang academy of classical learning , one of the four ancient academies of classical learning in china 最為著名的文物史跡有中國現存最古老的廟闕-東漢太室闕、少室闕、啟母闕,中國現存最古老的佛塔一北魏寓岳寺塔,中國現存最古老的天文觀測建筑一元代觀星臺,天下第一名剎-少林寺,中國現存數量最多的古塔林一少林寺塔林,五岳中規模最大的古建筑群一中岳廟,中國古代四大書院之一一嵩陽書院等。

Before coming to mit , he worked on instrumentation research projects at the national astronomical observatory of maxico . he earned a bachelor s degree in computer science and engineering from the university of baja california in 1999 在加入mit前,他在墨西哥國家天文臺進行工具測試研究專案,一九九九年,他在加州university of baja取得他的資訊科學與工程學士學位。

Although it is not clear who built the monument , nor for what purpose , it has been speculated that it was either a temple dedicated to the worship of ancient earth deities , an astronomical observatory or a sacred burial site 人們至今還不清楚,究竟是誰建造了這一奇特古跡,為什么建造了這一古跡,但人們推測,巨石陣要么是廟宇,要么是天文臺,或者是神秘墓地。

In chapter 2 , 1 briefly introduce the supernova survey system and discoveries of national astronomical observatories , chinese academy of sciences ( naoc ) . in chapter 3 , the new system of 0 . 6m telescope of naoc is presented 第三部分里,討論了國家天文臺新的系統定標問題,并討論了ccd相機快門效應,平場等對測光的影響。

Experts with the national astronomical observatories affiliated with chinese academy of sciences suggest tonight is the night for the public to experience this astronomical phenomenon known to chinese 中科院下屬的國家天文臺的專家指出:今晚是老百姓觀賞這一國人熟知的天文景觀的好時機。

The fiber positioning system was discussed , which was one of the important technologies for lamost held in national astronomical observatory 本文針對國家天文臺lamost項目的關鍵技術之一? ?光纖定位系統開展研究。

Their mission was to reach tahiti before june 1769 , establish themselves among the islanders , and construct an astronomical observatory 他們的任務是在1769年6月前抵達塔西提島,融入當地島民中,建立天文觀測站。

In addition , some data from other astronomical observatories and stations around the world are also shown as references 本文給出了觀測結果,同時也列出了世界上一些天文臺站的數據以供參考。

He even set up an astronomical observatory and his accurate weather forecasting proved to be of great value to traders and fishermen 他對氣象變化的預測準確,令商人及漁民受益甚大。

Near the church is sheshan astronomical observatory which has been changed into an astronomical museum 這里曾經兩次觀測到哈累彗星,一個相當了不起的記錄。